Club News
4th Annual Obura Peak Bag Hike
Amazing hike albeit very small crew! Dave Hawley ‘74, Brad Grenham ‘88, and Steve Hochman '88.
Big Green Affair: Welcome to Portland
Dartmouth Young Alumni across the world hosted the Big Green Affair, an annual gathering to welcome new and recent graduates to their new cities. For Portland we chose Company, a beautiful wine bar in a converted body shop garage that perfectly speaks to Portland’s weirdness and beauty.
Amaterra Wine Tasting
Club members gathered together in September for a wine tasting at the local Amaterra Winery in NW Portland.
2023 Dartmouth Book Awards
The Club presented copies of The Bobcat by Katherine Forbes Riley ’96 to six highly exceptional high school juniors. Congratulations to the 2023 Book Award winners!
Portland Timbers vs LAFC
The DCO came out and cheered for the Portland Timbers during their 2-0 win over the LAFC (Los Angeles Football Club) team.
Hood to Coast 2023
On August 25th and 26th the club fielded a team for the Hood to Coast run. It’s a 196 mile relay race from Mt. Hood to Seaside, run with 12 people on a team. The event has sold out - on opening day - for the last 24 years!
Portland Spirit Cruise July 2023
We held our annual Portland Spirit Cruise July 15th! We had beautiful weather - club members and their families (about 35 total) spent two hours cruising the Willamette on the Portland Spirit.
2022 Annual Newsletter
Thanks to all of you who have participated with the Dartmouth Club of Oregon in the past year! We’ve had a lot of terrific events including the Starlight Run, Portland Spirit cruise, Class of ‘26 send off, hikes in the Columbia River Gorge, a service project at Hoyt Arboretum, and a couple of Happy Hours. Lots of new-to-us alumni joined us and we hope to see many more of you in the future.