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Hood to Coast 2024 Team

The Dartmouth Club of Oregon is running Hood to Coast again this year! Hood to Coast is a 196 mile relay race with 12 runners to a team.

Comprehensive event info is at The details for our team are:

  • we aren’t running a competitive team - all are welcome; runners should be comfortable with a 6 mile run

  • cost per person is expected to be around $400 (event registration and team expenses)

  • all alumni are welcome - undergrad as well as grads of Guarini, Geisel, Thayer, and Tuck

The Hood to Coast Beginner’s Guide has a good description of the event as well as answers to most of the common questions.

Contact ‘96 for more info or to sign up for the team!

Update: we’re full! Watch this space for a re-cap after the event :)

Read about last year’s DOC 2023 Hood to Coast team!

August 15

All Ivy Alumni Hour

September 20

September Club Happy Hour!